HCS Provider Applicant Sample Test (PAT Texas HHS)

Per the Texas Administrative Code, CHAPTER 49, RULE §49.204;  the Provider Applicant Training (PAT) is a requirement for all approved and eligible applicants meeting the qualifications and other requirements outlined with the Texas Administrative Code Chapter 49  for Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL). 

The Provider Applicants’ Program Manager must prepare using the 12 modules provided by Health and Human Services. Review each module of the 12 modules to prepare for the test. 

1.   The test will have 30 questions to be completed in 40 minutes. The system will score the exam and will generate a Provider Competency Examination Completion Certificate. Once the Provider Applicant Training sample exam(s) is completed your score will be generated.


2.    Scores 85% and above are only be acceptable by HHS for the license if you score less than the acceptable number you cannot retake the test only after six months. 

!!!!! Please download the Sample Tests file below and practice to complete the sample tests in 40 minutes. !!!!!

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